Do you want to have something that will help you both in the kitchen and bathroom? This is coffee oil, that can be used both in the kitchen and bathroom.

Think of it like this: infusing oil with coffee beans is like steeping tea, but instead of water, you use oil. This process extracts the delicious flavors and aromatic oils from the beans, creating a versatile ingredient with a surprising range of uses. This process extracts the aromatic oils from the beans, and creates a versatile ingredient called coffee oil. That is the answer to how to make coffee oil. 

So, what exactly is it? It’s oil (like olive, jojoba, or coconut) infused with the flavor and aroma of coffee beans.

Why Make Coffee Oil

Why Make Coffee Oil

Supercharge Your Skin with Coffee: Facts, Stats, and DIY Goodness!

Did you know a simple cup of coffee holds the key to brighter, younger-looking skin? While you might be familiar with caffeine for its energy-boosting kick, it can unlock a lot of benefits when applied to the skin too.

  • Say goodbye to puffiness: Struggling with tired-looking eyes? Studies show caffeine’s vasoconstrictive properties can reduce under-eye puffiness by up to 20%. It can leave you looking refreshed and revitalized.
  • Fight inflammation: Does exposure to sun or irritation leave your skin red and inflamed? Caffeine’s anti-inflammatory superpowers can relieve discomfort and even reduce redness.
  • Bid farewell to dark circles: Those pesky dark circles under your eyes might not stand a chance against caffeine. Its tonic effects  can improve blood circulation, potentially lightening dark circles.
  • Smooth away fine lines: Worried about wrinkles? Fear not! Caffeine’s antioxidant capabilities can combat free radicals, which contribute to skin aging. Studies suggest topical caffeine may reduce the appearance of fine lines by 5%.

Ready to harness the power of coffee for your skin? It’s easier than you think! Here’s a simple DIY coffee-infused oil recipe:

Bonus tip: This oil boasts anti-aging properties thanks to the carrier oil choice. Rosehip seed oil, for example, is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C combats free radicals and promotes collagen production.

Remember: Patch test before applying any new product to your skin. While generally safe, consult a dermatologist if you have any concerns.

So, ditch the store-bought products and embrace the power of coffee for your skin! The DIY approach lets you control the ingredients and reap the full benefits. Happy caffeinated skincare!

Brew Your Own Magic: Coffee Infused Oil Recipes 

Ready to unleash the flavor and potential benefits of coffee oil? Let’s dive into two easy methods you can choose from:

Brew Your Own Magic Coffee Infused Oil Recipes

Method 1: Cold Brew (Slow & Subtle)


  • 1/4 cup organic, medium-grind coffee beans (Fresh, and higher quality)
  • 1 cup carrier oil (choose based on your preference):
    • Olive oil: Versatile, good for cooking and skincare.
    • Jojoba oil: Lightweight, good for skincare and haircare.
    • Avocado oil: Rich in antioxidants, good for skincare and haircare.
    • Grapeseed oil: Light and neutral, good for cooking.
  • Optional: 1/2 cinnamon stick, 1/4 star anise, or a few cloves for added flavor


  1. Combine coffee beans and carrier oil in a clean, airtight jar.
  2. Add optional spices if desired.
  3. Close the jar tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks, shaking gently every few days.
  4. Strain the oil through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve into a clean jar.
  5. Discard the coffee grounds.
  6. Store the infused oil in a cool, dark place for up to 3 months.

Method 2: Warm Brew (Faster & Bolder)

Method 2 Warm Brew (Faster & Bolder)


  • 1/4 cup organic, medium-grind coffee beans (fresh & HIgher quality)
  • 1 cup carrier oil (same choices as Cold Brew)
  • Optional: 1/2 cinnamon stick, 1/4 star anise, or a few cloves for added flavor


  1. Combine coffee beans, carrier oil, and optional spices in a heat-resistant jar.
  2. Place the jar in a saucepan filled with water, ensuring the water level reaches halfway up the jar.
  3. Bring the water to a simmer and heat for 2-3 hours, maintaining a low simmer and stirring occasionally.
  4. Turn off the heat and let the oil cool completely in the jar.
  5. Strain the oil through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve into a clean jar.
  6. Discard the coffee grounds and spices.
  7. Store the infused oil in a cool, dark place for up to 1 month.

Tips to Make the Best Coffee Oil:

Tips to Make the Best Coffee Oil

  • Use freshly roasted coffee beans for the best flavor.
  • Grind size matters! Choose a medium grind for both methods.
  • Adjust the infusion time based on your desired flavor intensity. Longer infusion = stronger flavor.
  • Experiment with different carrier oils for unique flavor profiles and benefits.
  • You can add a whole vanilla bean, orange peel, or even rosemary for a twist.
  • When using the warm method, handle hot oil with caution and use heat-resistant equipment.

Supercharge Your Kitchen & Beauty Products with Coffee Oil!

Supercharge Your Kitchen & Beauty Products with Coffee Oil!

Ever wished your food was cooler, your skincare more exciting? Enter coffee oil, your new best friend! It’s not just fancy coffee – it’s like coffee flavor trapped in the oil, ready to add charm to everything!

How does it work? We soak coffee beans in oil, like steeping tea, but with oil! This captures the yummy flavor and aroma, making a magical potion for cooking and pampering.

What can you use it for? Buckle up, because the options are endless!

In the Kitchen:

  • Salad Hero: eliminate boring dressing in your salad! Add a drizzle of coffee oil for a delicious surprise.
  • Marinate Master: Give chicken, fish, or tofu a coffee kick before cooking – yum!
  • Baking Boss: Elevate cakes, cookies, and brownies with a hint of coffee magic.
  • Dessert Da Vinci: Surprise everyone with coffee-infused whipped cream or ice cream!
  • Finishing Flair: Impress your family with a fancy drizzle on veggies, meat, or pasta. Fancy, huh?

Pampering Power:

  • Lip Balm King/Queen: Make your own lip balm with coffee oil for moisture.
  • Scrub Superstar: Exfoliate and wake up your skin with a coffee scrub, it feels amazing!
  • Lotion Legend: Craft your own lotion with coffee oil for soft, happy skin.
  • Hair Mask Magician: Give your hair a shine boost with a coffee oil mask.

Beyond the Kitchen & Bathroom:

  • Soap Scientist: Make awesome soaps with a hint of coffee scent. This is so cool, that you won’t ever want to go back to your old soap.
  • Candle Creator: Imagine relaxing to the warm glow and coffee aroma of your own candles! 

Pro Tips:

  • Flavor Fix: Not strong enough? Use finer coffee grounds or infuse longer.
  • Cloudy Oil: Don’t worry about the cloudy oil, it is normal to have this. Just warm it gently.
  • Store it Right: Keep your oil in a cool, dark place like a superhero hides their cape!
  • Tools Time: You’ll need jars, cheesecloth, and maybe a pot for heating. Easy peasy! ️
  • Experiment! Add spices, herbs, or even other oils for your own unique creation. Be a mad scientist!


Now you have the recipe to make coffee oil at your fingertips, you can get ready to improve your self-care routines. The journey is exciting as you unlock new recipes with coffee every day.

I recommend you use this coffee oil at least once so that you would understand the benefits of this. However, if you want to know more about coffee recipes and other things about coffee visit “coffee blog mart”, it is like a personal barista.


Can I use any type of coffee beans to make coffee oil?

While you can technically use any coffee beans, however, freshly roasted & medium-grind beans will yield the best aroma.

Is coffee oil good for my skin?

While some studies suggest potential benefits like reduced puffiness and inflammation, it’s essential to do a patch test before applying any new product to your skin. Consult a dermatologist if you have concerns.

Can I use coffee oil in my coffee drinks, like a Flat White?

Coffee oil is generally used for culinary finishing touches or skincare, not as a direct ingredient in drinks. Using it in hot beverages might not blend well and could affect the taste negatively.

How long does coffee oil last?

The shelf life depends on the chosen carrier oil and storage conditions. Cold-brewed coffee oil generally lasts longer (up to 3 months) compared to warm-brewed (up to 1 month). Store it in a cool, dark place for optimal preservation.

Can I add other ingredients to the coffee oil?

Absolutely! Explore adding spices like cinnamon, star anise, or cloves for additional flavor complexity. You can even experiment with herbs like rosemary or citrus peels for unique twists. Be creative and discover your favorite combinations!

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