Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for a long time, usually 12-24 hours. This is different from hot brewing, which uses almost boiling water and takes only 3-5 minutes. In cold brew coffee, the cool temperature and lengthy steeping help extract fewer acids and oils from the beans. This makes it smoother and less acidic in taste compared to regular coffee.

However acidity level depends on various elements such as beans, roasting level & brewing method. Moreover, different beans also have different acidity levels. Let’s dive deep into the realm of the acidity of coffee.

3 Reasons Acidity Level Differs in Coffee

3 Reasons Acidity Level Differs In Coffee

Origin of the Beans: beans that originate from Latin America tend to have higher acidity. This is because of the higher level of citric acid, leading to a brighter brewed coffee. Meanwhile, indonesian beans tend to have lower acidity and a chocolatey flavour.

Roast Level: the acidity level depends on the level of the roasting. The darker the roast, the less acidic it is. Some people may think darker beans have high acidity, well it’s the opposite. Light roasted beans are more acidic and have a brighter colour.

Brewing Method: The final magic lies in the lower brewing temperature and long steeping time. Hot boiling water extracts more minerals, acids, and oils from the beans resulting in a sharper taste. On the contrary cold water, and longer steeping gently extract the flavour without extracting a high amount of acid.

This is the actual reason for cold brew being less acidic than regular coffee. Regular coffee is brewed through hot boiling water, and cold brew is made through cold water and a longer steeping time. These are the primary reasons different varieties of coffee have different acidic levels, however, other factors are working here too. However,  these are the most significant factors that contribute to the acidity levels in coffee.

We gathered acidity info from the National Coffee Association of the USA and the World Coffee Research Center. The acidity of coffee varies based on the type of beans, how they’re roasted, and the brewing method used.

Beans Origin

Acidity Range (pH level)

Flavour  notes

Latin American (Colombia, costa rica) 4.8-5.1 Citrus, Bright
Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia) 4.9-5.2 Berry, Floral
Indonesia (Sumatra, Java) 5.1-5.4 Chocolate, Earthy


Roast level

Acidity range (pH level)

Flavour profile

light 4.8-5.2 Bright, Tart
medium 5.0-5.3 Balanced, fruity
Dark 5.2-5.5 Smooth, mellow

Source: special coffee association of America & chemistry of coffee & coffee brewing, Moon, H.C. (2012)

Brew method

Acidity range(pH)

Flavour profile

Drip coffee 4.9-5.2 Bright, slightly bitter
French press 4.8-5.1 Rich, Bold
Cold Brew 5.1-5.5 Smooth, Sweet

What Makes Your Coffee Taste Acidic?- Crackling the Science Code

What Makes Your Coffee Taste Acidic- Crackling the Science Code

Ever wondered why coffee can taste a bit tangy? What dictates the level of acidity in your coffee? Let’s keep it simple:

3 Factors that Control the Acidity in Your Coffee

Sourness Explained

Chlorogenic Acids: These are like coffee’s flavor bosses. Cold brew is like a superhero that captures fewer of these acids, making your coffee taste smoother.

Citrus Twist:

Citric Acid:: This is the reason your coffee might have a zesty kick. Dark roasts, like French or Italian, make this acid less powerful, giving you a more mellow cup.

Bitter or Better?

Quinic Acid: It’s a bit tricky, it can bring bitterness, but it also has some good points. Cold brew is the friendlier option, taking less of this acid for a gentler experience, especially for sensitive tummies.

Components Of Cold Brew Coffee 

To find out “Why is cold brew coffee less acidic than regular coffee?”, take a look at its components first. Here we are providing information on the basic components of an 8-ounce cup. Many other components vary in different brewing styles and bean types.

Components  Approximate Percentages (Amounts in 8-ounce cup)
Water 98 to 99% (7.8 ounce)
Coffee grounds 1 to 2% (0.2 ounce)
Acids (Chlorogenic Acids) 0.2 to 0.5% (0.016-0.04 ounces)
Caffeine 0.05 to 0.1% (0.004-0.008 ounces)
Lipids and Oils Varies
Melanoidins Varies
Carbohydrates Minimal
Quinic Acid Varies
Trigonelline Varies

Here, we are presenting a chart for your better understanding. Components Of Cold Brew CoffeeThis chart shows the low level of acids in cold brew coffee which is 0.016 to 0.04 ounce in an 8-ounce cup. So, you can understand the level of acid is low.

Simple Tips to Decrease the Acidity Level in Your Cup

Simple Tips to Decrease the Acidity Level in Your Cup

If you’re not a fan of pungent coffee, try these tricks:

Dark Roasts Rule: Dark roasts have lower acidity so pick French or Italian roasts for a rich taste with maximum smoothness.

Chunky Coffee: Coarser grind exposes less surface area for the water to extract acid. It results in a less acidic brew as less acid is extracted.

Shorten the Brewing time: the longer the water steeps on the stove, or coffee maker the more acid it extracts. Try to use a pour-over method or adjust the machine settings for a shorter brewing time.

Switch It Up: You can actually use milk-related products to reduce acidity, it doesn’t affect much the coffee’s pH level. Look for alternative creamers like oat milk, which has naturally lower acidity.

Now you’re the boss of your coffee! Experiment and find what tastes just right for you. Enjoy your brewing adventure!

Why Should You Avoid the High Acidic Coffee?

Most coffee lovers actually can tolerate moderate acidity. However, some individuals might have some issues with acidic coffee. Generally, people who already have gastronomical problems should avoid acidic tea or coffee. Let’s see why

Acid Reflux & Heartburn: Acidic coffee increases heartburn and acidity-related problems in your stomach. In your case, cold brew is a better option, as it won’t create many issues with your acidity or heartburn problem.

Sensitive stomach: People who have a sensitive stomach, can face challenges in consuming high acidic coffee. Hot & acidic coffee can irritate your digestive system.

Cold Brew vs. Regular Coffee: A Head-to-Head Acidity Smackdown

It is already established that cold brew is less acidic then regular coffee, but to what extent? You might ask this question is cold brew really less acidic than regular coffee? I asked the same question, and i thought i needed a metric to compare, to understand it better.

And what can be better than numbers to understand and compare a scenario.

Feature Regular coffee Cold brew
Acidity Level Higher (pH 4.8-5.2) Lower (pH 5.1-5.5)
Bitterness More Less
Caffeine content Lower (70-100mg per 8oz cup) Higher (120-150mg per 8oz cup)
Smoothness Less Higher
Price Lower Higher

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

It is proved by government organizations that cold brew is the ultimate winner of low acidity. However, before you make the ultimate move and switch your coffee consider these factors too:

Caffeine kick: If you’re dependent on the morning kick of the caffeine then cold brew is not for you. It will give a smoother experience, while regular coffee gives an instant kick.

Price point: Cold brew, with its premium brewing style, usually comes at a higher price. Consider this too, if you are on a budget.

Flavour profile: The smoother, less acidic taste of cold brew doesn’t appeal to everyone who enjoys a vibrant flavour. Young people do not like to have the cold brew, they tend to like the regular hit more.

3 Ways to Fight with an Overdose of Coffee Acidity

Let’s suppose you accidentally overdrank some regular coffee, now you are facing acidity. Well, it can happen for many reasons, you may already have gastronomical problems, or you could already have heart-related problems. Don’t worry, we have your back. Here are some of the ways that will help you fight back in this situation.

Neutralize with Calcium: Milk, cheese, or almonds help to neutralize stomach acid. Any type of milk-related products, mostly liquid will help you to neutralize stomach acid. Even yogurt works perfectly fine in this situation.

Plenty of Water: Water is the most optimal solution for any type of acidity. Water helps dilute the acid and flush it out of your system. So hydrate yourself with plenty of water, and acidity problem will be over.

Alkalize with Baking Soda: A small pinch of baking soda mixed with water can help neutralize stomach acid. However, remember to not overdo it, as it might create other problems.

In serious cases do not rely on internet blogs, run to the doctor as soon as you can. In mild cases, water, and milk work just fine.

Which One Should You Choose: Cold Brew Or Regular Coffee?

Which One Should You Choose Cold Brew Or Regular Coffee

As we have discussed both cold brew coffee and regular coffee, which one will you choose? Both are good as a refreshing beverage.

Choose Cold Brew Coffee If:

  • If you prefer smooth and mild coffee, choose cold brew.
  • If you feel regular coffee is too acidic and you can not digest it, choose cold brew.
  • If it is summer or the weather is warm, try cold brewed coffee over ice. It will make you feel refreshed.
  • If you have a sensitive stomach and can not tolerate acidity, choose cold brew coffee.
  • If you prefer a less bitter beverage but want to try coffee, go for cold brew coffee.

Choose Regular Coffee If:

  • If you prefer strong and bold coffee, go for regular coffee.
  • If you are in a hurry and do not have time for longer brewing, choose regular coffee.
  • If you want to experiment with a variety of brewing methods like French press, AeroPress, or espresso, choose regular coffee.
  • To enjoy hot coffee all the time, choose regular coffee.

So, choose any coffee you like. But consider our suggestions to decide which one will suit you and your taste better.

Famous Brands Offering Cold Brew Coffee 

Famous Brands Offering Cold Brew Coffee 

We know that “Why is cold brew coffee less acidic than regular coffee?”. But do you know which brands are currently offering cold brew coffee? Here, we are presenting some famous brands offering cold brew coffee.

Brands Cold Brew Coffee 
Starbucks Bottled Cold Brew,

Concentrated Cold Brew.

Stumptown Coffee Bottled Cold Brew,

Nitro Cold Brew Cans.

Blue Bottle Coffee New Orleans-Style Cold Brew,

Cold Brew Carton.

Chameleon Cold Brew Bottled Cold Brew,

Cold Brew Concentrate.

La Colombe Draft Latte with Cold Brew,

Cold Brew in Cans.

High Brew Coffee Canned Cold Brew Coffee.
Grady’s Cold Brew Cold Brew Kit,

Bean Bags.

Califia Farms Cold Brew Coffee,

Cold Brew Concentrate.

Death Wish Coffee Co. Canned Cold Brew Coffee
Cafe Du Monde Cold Brew Coffee Kit.
RISE Brewing Co. Nitro Cold Brew,

Oat Milk Latte.

Verve Coffee Roasters Flash Brew Concentrate,

Bottled Cold Brew.

Caveman Coffee Co. Nitro Cold Brew in Cans
Unleashed Coffee Canned Nitro Cold Brew,

Cold Brew Concentrate.

Peet’s Coffee Baridi Black Cold Brew
Wandering Bear Coffee Cold Brew on Tap,

Boxed Cold Brew.

Secret Squirrel Cold Brew Bottled Cold Brew,

Cascara Tea.

Copper Cow Coffee Vietnamese Cold Brew Kit.


Choosing the right coffee isn’t an easy thing to do. It is a personal journey that you have to experience it. This experience is not just an experience, it is a journey of knowing oneself. When it comes to navigating the acidity problems, cold brew stands out. It will help you in your journey if you have an acidity problem. It stands as a beacon of smoothness and comfort.

So, whether you are a newbie or a seasoned coffee connoisseur keep an eye on the acidity level of the coffee. I think we have answered the question “Why is cold brew coffee less acidic than regular coffee”. However, if you need to know more, or need our personal opinion on what you should do reach us through the mail address. We would love to help you out.  For any information, you can check the website Coffee Mart Blog and keep enjoying your cold coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are cold brew coffee and iced coffee different? 

Yes, iced coffee and cold brew coffee are different. Iced coffee can be any traditional hot brewed coffee over ice. But cold brew coffee goes through a cold brewing process. The cold brewing process requires 12 to 24 hours of steeping or soaking period in cold or room-temperature water.

Which coffee is stronger? Cold brew or Regular Coffee? 

Regular coffee is stronger with more acidity. It offers a bold and strong flavor. But cold brew coffee is mild in nature with less acidic compounds.

How to make cold brew at home? 

It requires a 12 to 24-hour soaking or steeping period in cold or room-temperature water. Then you have to filter the coffee extracts and customize them as you want. To know the detailed process, check our website “Coffee Mart Blog”.

Can I add sweeteners to cold-brew coffee? 

Yes, you can add any sweeteners to your cold brew. Consider adding sugar, syrups, cream, honey etc. To learn more about the recipe for cold brew coffee, check our website “Coffee Mart Blog”.

Which one is better? coffee with additives or without additives?

It is all about your personal preference of how you like your coffee. But coffee without additives is considered healthier than coffee with additives. The reason is additives add lots of sugar to your coffee which is not healthy.

How to reduce the bitterness of my hot coffee? 

You can reduce the bitterness by adding milk or water to dilute it. You can try different brewing techniques which involve brewing coarsely ground beans. Try keeping the roasting level to medium. These can help to reduce the bitterness of your hot coffee.

Do additives like milk or cream affect coffee acidity?

No, additives don’t affect the actual pH level of the coffee. However, dairy and certain creamers can mask the perceived acidity by coating the tongue and taste buds.

Is cold brew always less acidic than all hot coffees?

Not necessarily. The acidity of all coffee, including cold brew, can vary depending on bean origin, roast level, and even water quality. However, in general, cold brew tends to be less acidic than most hot-brewed coffees.

Will switching to cold brew cure my digestive issues?

While cold brew’s lower acidity might help alleviate some digestive discomfort, it’s not a guaranteed cure for all. Consulting a doctor is always recommended for continuous digestive issues. By understanding the science behind coffee acidity and the distinct qualities of cold brew, you can make informed choices about your coffee journey.

Bonus Tip: For a fun experiment, try brewing the same beans hot and cold to directly compare the taste and acidity levels. You might be surprised by the difference!.


  1. National Coffee Association of USA
  2. World Coffee Research
  3. Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)
  4. Moon, H.C. (2012). Chemistry of coffee and coffee brewing. CRC Press.
  5. Rao, S. (2019). The world atlas of coffee. Reaktion Books.
  6. Keeney, M.P. (2019). Factors affecting the chemical composition of coffee brews. Food Chemistry, 279, 192-200.
  7. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

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