The humble cup of American coffee, which fuels our mornings, warms our afternoons. This American coffee is a staple in many cultures worldwide. But what exactly is American coffee?

This flavourful drink has a unique identity and a rich history too. 

There is a misconception about American coffee, and that is between the Second World War. It was said that the American soldiers didn’t like the native Italian coffee, so they added hot water to make it taste like America. Well, it is wrong.

American coffee is a brewed coffee, that needs a coffee filter machine. Let’s dive in to know the ins and outs of this beautiful American coffee which many people mistake as American.

The Difference Between Americano and American Coffee

Many of our customers confuse Americano with American coffee, and this is the same for many people around the world. They confuse it especially when ordering for American coffee or americano. Then I have to explain to them that these are two different types of coffee. 

The americano is made with espresso diluted with two parts hot water. American coffee or brewed coffee is made by pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a filter.

Americano = Espresso + Hot water

American Coffee = Water + Coffee grounds (filtered)\

American Coffee: Not  What You Think!

Forget the idea of American coffee being weak espresso. It’s actually a different type altogether: brewed coffee or filter coffee.

Here’s the truth behind this popular drink:

  • Brewed, Not Espress-ed: Unlike espresso machines, American coffee uses a filter coffee machine and filter paper for a smooth, flavorful cup.
  • Ditch the Mocha Pot: You won’t need a fancy mocha pot for this one. A simple filter coffee machine is your best bet.

The “Americanized” Espresso: A Made-up Story

While we cleared up that real American coffee isn’t watered-down espresso, there’s an interesting historical tidbit!

During World War II, American soldiers stationed in Italy found the strong espresso a bit much for their taste. Since filter coffee machines weren’t widely available then, they’d ask for hot water on the side to weaken the espresso. This “Americanized” version likely contributes to the misconception of American coffee being weak espresso.

Brewing Delicious Filter Coffee at Home (the American Way!)

Filter coffee, also known as American coffee, is a favorite for many coffee lovers in the US and Northern Europe. Here’s how to brew a satisfying cup at home:

  • The Machine: You’ll need a filter coffee machine. This is your best friend for brewing this type of coffee.
  • The Grind: Grind size matters! Use medium-grind coffee beans. Too fine and your coffee will be bitter, too coarse and it’ll be weak.
  • Freshness is Key: For the best flavor, use freshly roasted coffee beans. Pre-ground coffee loses its taste faster.
  • Bean Choice: While you can experiment, Arabica beans are a popular choice for filter coffee as they offer a richer flavor.
  • The Perfect Ratio: A good starting point is a ratio of 1 tablespoon (about 0.28 ounces) of coffee grounds to 6 ounces of water. Feel free to adjust this based on your taste – stronger or milder.
  • Water Temperature: Heat your water to between 195°F and 200°F (around 90°C and 93°C) for optimal extraction.

Bonus Tip: For an even tastier brew, pre-wet your coffee filter with hot water. This removes any paper taste and ensures even extraction of the coffee grounds.

Brewing Perfect American Coffee: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Difference Between Americano and American Coffee

Here’s a breakdown of making a delicious cup of American coffee:

Getting Ready:

  1. Warm Up the Carafe (Optional): Preheating the carafe with hot water helps keep your coffee warm for longer.
  2. Fresh Water & Filter: Fill the coffee machine’s reservoir with fresh, filtered water. Place a clean coffee filter in the cone-shaped filter holder.

Coffee Time:

  1. Prime the Filter: Pour hot water over the filter for a few seconds. This removes any paper taste and ensures the coffee grounds settle evenly during brewing.
  2. Measure & Add Coffee: Use medium-grind coffee. For a half pot, use around 2 rounded tablespoons (about 48 grams) of coffee. For a full pot, double that amount (around 96 grams). Gently level out the grounds in the filter.

Brewing Magic:

  1. Place the Carafe: Put the empty carafe under the filter holder, making sure the warming plate below is turned on.
  2. Water On, Coffee Flow: Open the coffee machine’s lid and pour the appropriate amount of cold water based on your desired batch size (around 32 ounces for a half pot, 64 ounces for a full pot).
  3. Let it Brew: Start the coffee machine and wait patiently for it to finish brewing.

Freshness is Key:

  1. Discard Grounds & Filter: Once brewing is complete, carefully remove the filter holder and throw away the used grounds and filter.
  2. Swirl and Serve: Give the brewed coffee a quick stir in the carafe to mix everything evenly. Now enjoy your fresh cup of American coffee!

Remember: Don’t serve coffee before it’s finished brewing!

Choosing Your Perfect Beans: Keeping the Flavour

Choosing Your Perfect Beans: Keeping the Flavour

Here are some suggestions for coffee beans to use for American coffee:

  • Brazilian Ground Coffee: This is a popular choice, offering a well-balanced flavor profile. Use around 2 rounded tablespoons (roughly 46 grams) for a half pot and double that (around 96 grams) for a full pot.
  • 100% Arabica Ground Coffee: Arabica beans are known for their smoother taste. For a half pot, use about 2 ½ tablespoons (around 55 grams) and 4 ½ tablespoons (around 110 grams) for a full pot.
  • Whole Beans: If you prefer freshly ground coffee, choose whole bean Arabica and grind them yourself. Use around 1 ¾ tablespoons (roughly 40 grams) for a half pot and 3 ½ tablespoons (around 80 grams) for a full pot.

Remember: These are just starting points! Feel free to adjust the amount of coffee based on your desired strength.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Is there any variation of Americano? 

There are no specific variations of Americano coffee. You can get it in both hot and iced versions. Also, you can try milder and stronger versions of Americano. 

If you want stronger coffee than regular Americano, use less water for example, go for a 1:1.5 ratio. If you want milder coffee, go for a 1:2.5 ratio.

Is it possible to add milk or creamer to Americano? 

Yes, you can add milk or creamer to Americano if you want. But do not add it while it’s cold. Adding cold milk or creamer directly to your hot Americano can ruin the coffee. It may curdle the milk or make it lumpy. So, always heat the milk or creamer separately before adding to the Americano.

Can I add toppings to Americano coffee?

Yes, you can add any toppings you like. Add whipped cream or cinnamon sprinkle to your hot Americano. Try adding a slice of orange, lemon, or grapefruit on top of your Iced Americano. It will bring a refreshing touch to your coffee. 


To sum up we can say that Americano is quite popular and tasty. Now you know how to make a perfect cup of Americano coffee. We have provided the direct recipe and suggestions from an experienced Barista. Try to make this coffee following our tips and tricks.

For any query or coffee recipes, check our website “Coffee Mart Blog” anytime. 

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